We're gonna need a bigger plug...
Six months after getting my first narration of a book published, it's happened again! It's Skullenia Book 3 - Wuthering Frights.Wait a minute, did you miss book 2?? Yes probably, because I didn't narrate it. To say I'm bitter about that would be... well quite accurate actually! Mixup with the publisher is how I explain it, though eventually I do plan to produce a film of the whole affair starring Matt Damon as me. I'm just waiting for his agent to call me back...Speaking of Book 3 again which I DID narrate... Of course I'd love it if you bought it, listened to it, left it an average to good review on Audible and told all your first, second and third cousins about it. Of course I would. So... Please do. Thank you forever!
You can listen to a sample here!
Is it good?
Hm - A little blunt, but to the point I suppose. I like your moxy. I reckon it's better than my first one (helpful if you listened to it). Hard to judge your own work though. I'm certainly proud of it, and I think it's more consistent in how it's acted and edited. This being the second book I've narrated, and having listened back to the first, got feedback, and also listened to more audiobooks by other narrators (this is very helpful!), I felt more confident about how to try and make it sound professional. Calling myself a 'professional' does sound a little self-inflated (even though it's true! I get paid for this stuff!!) though. Perhaps 'well-intentioned hack' fits better. That probably won't make it onto Linkedin mind you...The voicing of the characters that appeared in the first book are definitely more consistent this time: Ollie, long-suffering pseudo-parent; Ronnie, masochistic Scot with a smoking problem; Mrs Ladle, eccentric, broom-flying witch with her own version of the highway code; and Flug, who is...well...Flug. Can't make any promises for the new cast members I'm afraid! Constable Gullet, Excalibur Cross, Maudlin Mandrake and Ramekin Deadhouse (don't ask) will certainly...take you on a journey. Not to mention the (mercifully) brief trip to a Caribbean island. Speaking of which, does anyone know any good accent coaches from the West Indies? Or failing that, a no questions asked bodyguard service?The book itself is really enjoyable, funnier in many places than the first, with some surprising gut punches skillfully woven into the absurd, slapstick comedy that pervades the book. If you enjoyed the first one, you'll enjoy this one more. If you were ambivalent about the first one, you'll enjoy this one more. If you haven't heard the fir-... Excuse me? You've made it through up to four clumsily written blog posts and haven't rewarded yourself with it's audial pleasures? See a doctor. Then download Wherewolf (with an 'h') from Audible. In reverse order.**Don't forget to see the doctor though. You could be a worse masochist than Ronnie to have endured these blog posts.
Onward and Seaward!
The fun *literally* never ends. There's more Skullenia fun on the way with Book 4 - Quest for the Bone Idol. It's got pirates in it for goodness sake! Pirates! If that's not a narrator's dream then I don't know what is. Apart from a job offer from George R R Martin that is. How old is Roy Dotrice anyway...?Recording these stories continues to be a great source of enjoyment (editing them perhaps less so) and I hope you and your families enjoy listening to them just as much.
First published 24th March 2020
